Utilissimo script per la semplificazione di modelli importati.
Rimuove tutti gli oggetti sovrapposti

– prima di lanciare lo script tutti gli oggetti devono esser convertiti in Editable Poly
– lo script elimina gli oggetti solo se condividono lo stesso numero di vertici

Lo script è in vendita a €4.99

This useful script delete all overlapping objects in any imported model.

– before launching the script you have to convert all the geometry in Editable Polys
– DDO script deletes all the overlapping objects only if they share the same vertex number 

Script costs €4.99

5 Commenti. Nuovo commento

  • Luis Oliveira
    16 Giugno 2020 12:25

    I need to know if your script deletes repeated geometry, even if they’re not overlaping.
    Having the same object copyed in the scene but not necessarely overlaped, the same exact object though, same vertex, same world orientation etc


  • What are the compatible versions of 3ds max for this script?

  • Ciao Alessio!
    Is it possible to let the script run with EditMesh-geometry?
    Ti ringrazio, saluti!


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